There is a direct relation between obesity and diabetes. Overweight increase the troubles from diabetes. Obesity is not the chief cause of diabetes. However it is the leading cause. The risk of diabetes is increased 53 fold with severe obesity. While heredity is the deciding factor in diabetes chances are too less if the person takes care not to gain weight as he grows. Many persons with normal weight are not diabetes even though there is a family history of diabetes.

About 90 percent of diabetes have adult on set diabetes. This diabetes develop between the ages of 30 and 60 associated with obesity.

Diabetes who are obese should eliminate overheating and usage of fat and processed carbohydrates (sugar etc). this loss may be made up by eating cabbage, green leaves obesity may be said as the initial stage of diabetes. It is advisable to reduce the salt portion in the food. With this water does not settle in the body.

 It is an important factor that weight has to be reduce in the
 treatment of diabetes increase in weight according s. But at the same time there should not be any to the individual’s age. Infect it is better if one or two kgs of weight less is exhibited

After the patient’s weight is reduced care is to be taken to see  that it is not increased Reducing weight means to remove the excess fat in the body. But in the intake of food one should not reduce protein, vitamins and minerals salts.