Laughter strengthens your immune system and burns calories too. A merry heart doth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drier the bones says a proverb. It is said that hearty laughter is like giving all the vital organs a brief but vigorous internal massage.
Laughter is an exercise. If you are able to sustain a belly laugh for one full hour, you could laugh off as many as 500 calories

Laughter improves your immune system by increasing the levels of infection fighting cells, disease fighting proteins and antibodies. It provides good cardiac conditioning, especially for those who are unable to exercise.

Attend humour lectures, become a member of humour club. Laugh and be well.

By laughing body begins to lighten up. Muscles relax. A full breathing pattern is established.

Remember your belly should not become a writing pad. Obesity is a risky factor.

Obese persons must decide to reduce weight in a natural way.
Quick weight loss methods don’t provide lasting results. Choose a programmer that teacher skills and techniques to make permanent changes in eating habits and levels of physical activity to prevent wait gain.

Losing weight will not be difficult if you have a positive attitude.