The more you are obese the load on the heart is more.
In our body every excess one pound of fat tissue has veins of nearly 2 to 3
miles. Blood has to be pasted through this additional length and there will be
more work for the heart. The result is heart diseases and there are
possibilities of an attack even at a very young age.
The possibility of heart diseases in obese men is about
42 percent and 75 p.c in women according to
experts. Food pressure is blood pressure. Deaths due to heart diseases
is more among obese, especially android type off obesity is a major risk for
heart damage and heart diseases as there is high cholesterol android is the
male type of obesity where excess fat is marked in the upper half of the body.
In these persons the vital .organs affected will be mostly the heart, liver,
kidneys and lungs.
The android type persons shall avoid or even reduce the
intake of food which is high in the cholesterol and do the exercises regularly.
When the fat tissues surround the liver gall bladder,
heart, intestines and kidneys and go on accumulating further the weight
increase pushing and the whole abdomen .
.There are many vital reasons for heart diseases. All
heart diseases are not destructive. Most of the heart diseases are curable. Let
there be any reason for heart diseases, the patients has to take care of his
body weight. The weight should be according
to the age and height. It is good to reduce the fat in the daily intake
of food, the food requirement varies from person to person low salt foods are
acceptable. Heart patients and persons suffering from high blood pressure do
not tolerate salt. Better if it is eliminated.
Exercise help they ease blood circulation, reform
digestive and enable elimination of impurities. The type of exercises are not
same for aged, weak and youth they differ, better to consult a physician and
decide the nature of exercise.