Choosing different foods.

      2    Putting more activity into your routine
2     Changes your attitude to eating and activity.

     These change your life style.

To be obese is a risk factor. Obesity kills a  Persons mentally. Wherever he goes he fails to react. His belly upsets him.

No one can make you lose weight.

You only have to put efforts. Remember trying to lose weight to satisfy somebody rarely work.

We build house to live in that house.

We eat to satisfy our hunger.
We read to know thing and get knowledge.
We sleep because we need rest.
Nothing is done to satisfy others.

We want to reduce our weight because we have to live in good health.
Make diet and exercise changes to please yourself. Before you make changes or decide to do so, make sure you have resolved other pressing problems in your life. It takes a lot of energy to changes habits and you want to be sure you’re focused. Habits cultivated cannot be eliminated so easily unless you determine.

 Work out a strategy that will gradually change the habits and attitudes that may have not encouraged your past efforts to lose weight.
Decide when to start.

Decide when to exercise, how long you will exercise.
Workout a realistic eating plan that includes plenty of water, fruit and  vegetables . Make sure anything too vigorous will quickly become a discomfort and you may like to give it up.

Take the help of a doctor.
Ask him how often you should weight yourself when a lose weight programmer is adhered to.

Your doctor may recommend that you keep and activity dairy periodically, so that you and follow good habits and discover any action to improve.
Usually you go to physician when you have a brief   illness. You won’t take medicine on your own. You take the medicine prescribed by the doctor. So also expect some expert in these centers. Now a day’s it as become a routine for people to visit these centers and attend to some exercise programmers. They never think whether these exercises help physically? If so, in what way?