It is a basic question. No doubt, fasting is a natures remedy for losing weight. In generating stations, generating units run continuously in order to generate power. However they will be  shut down for good work further. During the maintained period the generators are overhauled. Even when we are tired we take rest fasting similarly is required for cleaning the body.
 Fasting is like resting the organs for better functioning in future. However it is not good for your body to go we without food for extended periods. Instead it is better to go on fast under expert supervision.
Fasting has to observed with proper care

1.   Do not shout or talk during fasting. Energy is being spent while talking or shouting.
2.  Do not involve yourself in any physicals activity that may tire you. Instead you involve yourself in some activity that please you.
3. Engage yourself in some work with a firm decision to complete it before the end of the day.
1   .   4.   Do not walk near places where food items are kept. Avoid such places.
2         5.  Go for walk in the nearby garden the entire day you should feel that you      were not on fast, plan in such a way.
 6.  You may take one glass of some fruit juice. You may thus break your fast.   Before you start solid food take some semi fluid. Also let the solid food be     some fruit or raw vegetables