Recently I had an opportunity to visit few slimming and fitness centre. There were a quite a good number of persons who had come there to reduce their weights. Many exercises were being taught there. Varieties of machines were being used. Some rigorous exercises were also being practiced. Some of them were muscle builders. Motorized cycles, electro vibrator etc. were being used . I observed that there was no effort of the individual to burn the fat.
Machines were doing the job.

These days almost each well to do person or capitalist is buying a car it has also become a fashion (or passion) to get for a walk in their cars! They go a long distance in their cars and park some where near a garden or sea shore. Then they walk for few minutes and again drive their cars to return home.

 Is it possible to walk in a car ? there are number of employees who go to their working area in the morning and come late night.All the time they sit in front of a computer doing programming. Their brain is more active than body.

They take untimely food. Even educationists, scientist except they sit in libraries or laboratories. Also their food habits are normal which keep them alert. Ladies or home makers spend most of their time witnessing TV films or serials. The cookers, grinders, mixers do their work. More sedentary (sitting much) work is observed. All such practices have caused many to become obese.

A person do not require as many calories to maintain his weight as he needed in his youth. And also we know that the extra food eaten gets deposited as fat. So if you don’t decrease your caloric intake as you age you are likely to gain weight. If people at 40of their age continue to eat the same quantity and do the same activities when they were in youth or 20 years old they naturally gain weight. Because body metabolism (bio-chemical action) does down with age.

Whole grains, fruit and vegetables is essential but many are accustomed to eating large meals or lots of fried stuff or sweets this enables them to become obese.

Certain medicines which tend to increase appetite may also bring down the metabolic rate. This result in fat deposits. Especially drugs like steroids and few antidepressants may cause weight gain.

Drugs that contain mercury and arsenic are prescribed for a variety of diseases. These drugs if taken on a regular basis may result in obesity.

After each pregnancy a women’s weight increase an average of 2-4 kgs more than her pre pregnancy weight. This also contribute to obesity in women.

Addiction to drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol also cause obesity. But this may not be the case in everyone however. Smokers tend to gain weight after quitting. This increase is about 3 to 5 kilos many smokers often gain weight because they eat more after they quit smoking. 

Some people seek a substitute in the form of food. These foods are high in calories. To have pleasure they eat chocolates and sweets. 

They tend to eat more feeling that they suffer from physical weakness other wise. They wish to compensate by eating. Here substitutes can be addictive. smokers when they stop smoking, burn fewer calories.

We are all living in a society. We meet people. We attend dinner parties. We attend marriage house dinners. We dine with a group’s satisfaction many people eat more. The host some times encourage eating . there may be a competition also among good eaters, competition creates much enthusiasm to eat more. So people overeat.

An English author has said sarcastically” if you are overweight you carry it to only for a short time” that is what Hippocrates, the father of medicine said; fatty persons die early than thin persons. Billet, a French man of taste said once; “ OK eat well become fat, become ugly. Walk carrying weight. At last die because of your own fat.”